Sicily Concierge.
Personalized, customized trav­el ser­vices in Si­cily. Tours, ex­cur­sions, events, con­fer­ences, stu­dent trips and much more, by an ex­pe­ri­enced, li­censed tour op­er­ator and trav­el agent based in Si­ci­ly. With plen­ty of at­ten­tion to de­tail, whe­ther your group has 2 or 200.

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If you're reading this, Sicily Concierge is ex­act­ly what you're look­ing for! If you can imag­ine it, there's a very good chance that we've al­ready done it dur­ing our decades of ex­peri­ence in accom­modat­ing the needs of travelers visit­ing our is­land. Here are a few good rea­sons to choose Sicily Concierge to plan your tour of Si­cily (please visit our desktop site for many more de­tails).

Since we're based in Pa­lermo, Si­cily's largest city, you're deal­ing directly with the com­pany that plans your travel ex­perience. That means com­peti­tive pricing but also close at­tention to de­tail be­cause we're "on site."

We're a real tour operator, li­censed as such by the Italian govern­ment. Only licensed tour operators offer the protec­tion re­quired by Italian and Euro­pean Union law, such as lia­bili­ty for fail­ure of ser­vice (if an agency goes bank­rupt before your ar­rival). Be­ware that most small firms that adver­tise per­sonalized travel on the inter­net, such as chauf­fers who pro­mote them­selves as "tour guides," lack such in­surance.

You have the benefit of a full-time staff of ex­pe­ri­enced travel agents work­ing in a real office, not an out­sourced or "virtual" travel con­sultancy operated ex­clusive­ly from some­body's phone.

Our staff includes ex­pe­ri­enced, pro­fes­sional licensed tour guides. This means you'll be shown around, not just driven around. In fact, there are cer­tain arche­ologi­cal sites where un­li­censed, self-styled "tour guides" can be fined by po­lice for work­ing il­legal­ly.

The range and diversity of our com­pe­tence per­mit us to of­fer su­perla­tive solu­tions for things like con­fer­ences, events and stu­dent tours, pro­jects very few tour oper­ators can handle very ef­fective­ly. We've handled study tours and com­plex events for groups rang­ing from NYU to YPO.

Sicily Concierge is a traditional travel agent.

The more "conventional" services are tours around Sicily, ex­cur­sions from larger cities to places like Mount Etna, Se­gesta and Mon­reale, and things like winery visits. Per­haps your needs fit one of these ex­pe­ri­ences. But Sicily Concierge of­fers much more, whether it's a he­li­copter ride around Etna, a golf hol­iday com­plete with ex­cur­sions to in­trigu­ing sights, or a yacht­ing voyage along the coast with stops at sites like Cef­alù and Sira­cusa. To be­gin, sim­ply con­tact us with a gen­er­al (or spe­cif­ic) idea of what you have in mind. We'll make your idea a reality!

Our sister site, Best of Sicily, is full of ideas about things to see and do on our is­land.
Finding it in Sicily.

CONTACT US or by phone:
From the United States: (1) 312 239 0420
From Australia: (61) 2 8011 3849
From other countries: +39 091 626 9685
By fax: +39 091 380 9900
Please remember that we're on Central European Time, open from 9 to 1 and then from 3 to 7 Mon­day through Fri­day except Italian holi­days.

Sicily Concierge has organized tours and events for groups of universi­ty stu­dents and corporate ex­ecu­tives, and in 2018 our staff con­tributed use­ful sug­ges­tions to a chap­ter in this in­forma­tive book:
Take your students to Sicily!

©2006-2018 Sicily Concierge, Palermo, Italy. All Rights reserved. Visit our desktop site for further informa­tion.